Friday, November 7, 2008

Kevin can play!

Timeline: Nov 6, 2008

Instead of doing lunch at the Ecole Superieure, sometimes we just pick up a sandwich here are IRISA instead.
The cafeteria has a few you can reserve (you go in about 10:30 or so in the morning and say you want one of their sandwiches for lunch and they reserve it for you). Sandwiches here in Rennes are not that different from sandwiches you'd get at subway. They come in a long french baguette (maybe 10") with some meat and vegetables inside. The one thing that is weird that is that every sandwich seems to have eggs on it. Now, those of you who know me well know that I can't stand eggs. But Kevin said that if I didn't eat the eggs I'd never know what French sandwiches were like. So I tried it, and as long as I make sure to get the egg in a bite with a lot of other sandwich fixings it's not too bad. If I try, I can almost ignore the fact that there are any eggs at all. So, Kevin and I were down in the cafeteria having lunch and he told me about the music room. Apparently, they have a game room for relaxation which also contains a music room that has an electric keyboard, drums, and a base (he said sometimes they have an electric guitar there too). When we got down there there were a few people playing native music of Bretagne, on some violins and an accordion. I probably should have stayed longer to listen.

Kevin asked me if I played any instruments, and I said I played the piano and guitar a little bit, but had only touched the drums in Rock Band. He said he played also. This is one of those instances where it was VERY GOOD that I told him I only play a little bit as it seems Kevin has spent a little bit of time in a music conservatory. Nine years in fact! He was amazing! Playing Ravell and Rachmaninoff and a bunch of other stuff. He says he's out of practice due to the work he's had to put into his thesis the last few years, but I was still amazed at the amount of skill and talent he has.

It's weird, almost everywhere I turn over here it seems that there's someone who knows way more than me, or is way better than me at something. Sort of humbling. But, it doesn't seem to bug me as much as it used to. Maybe I'm just getting too old to care anymore :)


gwl said...

What a great idea to have an open music room; promotes the right kind of hobby. I'm still sad i never pursued an instrument, but I did marry into one. :) Maybe it's not that you're older and don't care anymore, but perhaps you're more appreciative of people's talents - like I am of your super smart brain! Let me know if you ever have a jam session in the music room.

Bradford James Loos said...

Yeah, the music room is nice. The only question is will I bother to go down there now that I've found out it exists?

I doubt a jam session will happen simply because I just found out that Kevin has like 2 months of work to finish up before he leaves in 2 weeks, so I don't think he'll have the time.