Thursday, November 27, 2008

Notre Dame

Timeframe: Nov 22, 2008

Yeah, yeah, I know I said I was gonna talk about a € 5 subway ride, but nobody really wants to hear about that (I just picked the wrong stop). What you all really want is to see pretty pictures. So here they come!

This is a shot of Notre-Dame across the Seine. I came up from the subway and this was the first thing I saw. Quite pretty :)

This is a shot of the transept of Notre-Dame just as you come in the front door. Apparently all cathedrals that are built on an east-west line have their openings on the west, with the large back windows facing east to catch the light of the rising sun.

The two biggest stain glass windows in Notre-Dame are on it's axis (the north-south part of the cross shape). Both are quite pretty. Notice how the north one is made so that there are no horizontal or vertical beams to create a much airier feeling.

Around the outside of the cathedral are small chapels. Some of these are still in use today while others seem to hold statues instead.

Notre-Dame is built in a gothic style which means it's trying to be lighter and airier than the previous romanesque buildings. Here's an example fo what the roof looks like. It's built very high to make it seem lighter (both luminance and weight).

And here's a picture of the front as I walk away.

Onto the Louvre!

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